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For over nine years we have travelled as a couple through life and the world.

On September 9th 2009 we take our couple public.

We want to share our joy with families and friends.

We invite you to be part of our festivities.

The party will take place on Saturday, September 12th 2009 in the city of Zurich, Switzerland.

Check-In now on this website to make sure you get a nice window seat.

Ngoc Linh and Andreas


Party in the jungle...

Join us in celebrating our wedding in the rain forest of Madagascar. Prepare yourself for a journey into the jungle.

Our party takes place at the Zoo of the city of Zurich. After the closure of the Zoo, we can enjoy the Masoala Rainforest on our own.

We invite you to join us at 6.30 pm.

In private tours, experts will show us the secrets of the jungle.

After our daring adventure in the wild nature, we will be treated to an exquisite dinner.

For detailed information, please click here.

We hope to see you in the jungle. Please register (Check-In) here before July 10th.