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Something missing?

If you have questions about our party or anything else we might help you with, please don't hesitate to contact us.

You can reach us by e-mail or by phone.

Ngoc Linh can be reached by e-mail at or phone at 0041 79 395 0007.

Andreas by e-mail at or phone at 0041 76 366 3395.


Register (Check-In)

To let us know that you take part in our celebration, please fill out the Check-In before July 10th. There you can provide information about you and all the people you drag along.

It helps us a lot if you can provide all the detailed information asked. This way we can ensure there is enough place and food for everyone.

Don't forget to provide the age of the children, so fitting food and entertainment for the small ones will be available.

Thank you very much and we are looking forward to seeing you at the jungle.